30th International Conference on Scientific and Statistical Database Management
Bolzano-Bozen, Italy
July 9 - 11, 2018

Camera-Ready Instructions

All accepted papers will be published by ACM – International Conference Proceedings Series (ICPS) and will be available in the ACM Digital Library.

The deadline for submitting the camera-ready paper is June 8th. This is a hard deadline; late submissions will not be included in the proceedings. To prepare the camera-ready version, please follow these steps:

  1. The author who is specified in CMT as the primary contact must have received an email from ACM Rightsreview (rightsreview@acm.org) with a link to the electronic ACM copyright-permission form. Please complete the form as soon as possible. IMPORTANT: the email is sent by an automated system to the primary contact only. Please make sure that the primary contact has received the email and that it has not wound up in a Spam folder.
  2. Upon completion of the ACM rights management form, the primary contact will receive an email with instructions on how to include rights and permissions information, and the bibliographic strip into your camera-ready version. Please follow the instructions carefully.
  3. Ensure that your camera-ready version complies with the ACM Master Template. Instructions are available at https://www.acm.org/publications/proceedings-template. You should use the "sigconf" proceedings template. If you have any problems with the templates, please contact ACM’s TeX support team at Aptara (acmtexsupport@aptaracorp.com).
  4. Use the online CCS indexing tool (http://dl.acm.org/ccs/ccs.cfm?) to select appropriate CCS concepts for your article. Then, generate the corresponding text/code and include it into your camera-ready version.
  5. Create the camera-ready PDF, paying attention to the following:
    1. Adhere to the page limits: 12 pages for full papers, 4 pages for short and demo papers.
    2. Page size should be US-Letter 8.5in x 11in (around 21.59cm x 27.94cm).
    3. All fonts must be Type 1 (scalable), and not Type 3 (bit-mapped). All fonts must be embedded within the PDF file. See instructions here: http://www.ec.tuwien.ac.at/~dimitris/var/fonts.html.
    4. Do not include page numbers.
  6. Submit the camera-ready PDF in CMT (https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/SSDBM2018). In addition to the camera-ready PDF, you must also submit an archive (zip or tgz) with the source files (LaTeX or Word).

For any questions regarding your camera-ready version, please contact the proceedings chair Dimitris Sacharidis.